“1 CBD-based patent - 130 potential medical indications”

Episode Summary

In today’s episode, we host David Bassa, a serial entrepreneur for the past 30 years in the fields of hi-tech and biotech, with an emphasis on cannabis-based pharma. His company, Stero Biotechs has been issued a CBD-based patent covering over 130 different indications. Stero Biotechs is currently conducting seven different research studies for 7 different indications, two of them in clinical trials (Chron’s disease and Urticaria, also known as hives). Stero Biotechs’s research combats the side effects of steroids, often decreasing or even eliminating steroid use while treating the relevant medical indications. Stero Biotech is an excellent example of Israel’s leading edge in developing Pharma based products, with Israel’s leading HMO as a shareholder, providing access to 5 million patients, 9000 physicians, 14 hospitals and significant cost-efficiency in conducting clinical trials. Stero Biotechs welcomes strategic collaboration opportunities, contact them through: or

Episode Notes

Special thanks to Maor Asher, our sound editor.